“Easy Fashion Ltd.” is an ultimate shopping destination where you can shop the widest selection of casual or luxurious; trendy, unique or traditional clothes and accessories delivered to you directly anywhere in Bangladesh. Daily lives, occasions, needs and necessities, celebrations, desires and wish lists – “Easy Fashion Ltd.” check it all off. We offer free returns and an easy payment method.
Our prime focus is the youth; we are here to be a part of their lives, not just by selling the brands that rest under their hood but also by writing a part of their daily life stories. We do not just sell lifestyle products, we are here to become a lifestyle! Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated about our latest offers and promotions. Happy Shopping!
On the 18th Feb of 2009, EASY’S first starts the fashion design house journey with its 1st showroom at 14/21, Aziz Co-Operative Super Market, 1st floor, Shahbagh, Dhaka. In the beginning, EASY was widely introduced achieved for its fashion designs and accessories. The second branch of the EASY opened at 115, Aziz Co-Operative Super Market, 1st floor, Shahbagh in April 2009.
In October 2009, the third branch of the EASYs opened at 33-B, Circular Road, Shantinagar branch. Then EASY established more five branches in 2010 at 8/A, Kumar para Main Road, Sylhet Branch and 33-A, Circular Road, Shanitnagar Branch, 53/B, New Elephant Road Branch, Shahid Faruk Road, North Jatrabari Branch and 56-56/A, Aziz Co-operative Market Branch 2nd floor, Shahbagh, Dhaka. In the year 2011 EASY’s 9th Branch Opened at Mirpur-10 then in October 2011 the 10th Branch opened At Uttara Branch, 3rd floor, RAK Tower, Uttara, Dhaka. Then June 2012 the 11th branch Opened at 60, Aziz Super Market Ground Floor, Shahbagh, Dhaka.

Started on February 18, 2009
Call 01713429333
On 18th Feb of 2009 EASY’s first starts fashion design house journey with its 1st showroom at 14/21, Aziz Co-Operative Super Market, 1st floor, Shahbag, Dhaka
Founding date
Postal Address: EASY FASHION LTD. 34/B Malibag Chowdhurypara, 2nd floor, Dhaka-1219. Phone: 02-9356673, Email: easyfashionwears@gmail.com
Design & Basic T-Shirt, Polo T-Shirt, Design & Formal Shirt, Panjabi, Sweater for Young & Fashionable products.
Clothing (Brand) · Fashion Company
** Shahbagh Branch: 60, Aziz Super Market (Ground floor), Dhaka-1000. Mobile # 01863-834661 E-mail: easyfashionaziz60@gmail.com
** Shahbagh Branch : 14/21, Aziz Super Market (1st floor), Dhaka-1000. Mobile # 01759-882520 E-mail: easyfashion14.21@gmail.com
** Shahbagh Branch: 115, Aziz Super Market (1st floor), Dhaka-1000. Mobile # 01863-834663 E-mail: easyfashion115@gmail.com
** Shahbagh Branch : 56/56-A, Aziz Super Market (2nd floor), Dhaka-1000. Mobile # 01863-834664 E-mail: easyfashionaziz56.56@gmail.com
** Elephant Road Branch : 53/B, New Elephant Road (2nd floor), Dhaka-1205. Mobile # 01759-882523 E-mail: easyfashionelephantroad@gmail.com
** Mirpur Branch-10 : Road # 1, Plot # 5, Section # 10, Mirpur Circle # 10, Dhaka-1216. Mobile # 01759-882524 E-mail: easyfashionmirpur10@gmail.com
** Mirpur Branch-6 : 32/Kha, Block # B, Section # 6, Mirpur Circle # 10, Dhaka-1216. Mobile # 01759-882531 E-mail: easyfashionmirpur06@gmail.com
** Shantinagar Branch-A: 33, New Circular Road, Shantinagar, Dhaka-1217. Mobile # 01759-882527 E-mail: easyfashionshantinagar.a@gmail.com
** Shantinagar Branch-B: 33, New Circular Road, Shantinagar, Dhaka-1217. Mobile # 01759-882528 E-mail: easyfashionshantinagar.b@gmail.com
** Jatrabari Branch : Rahman Plaza, 40/1-B, Shahid Faruk Road, North Jatrabari, Dhaka-1204. Mobile# 01759-882526 E-mail: easyfashionjatrabari@gmail.com
** Wari Branch: 8/A, Rankin Street, Wari, Dhaka. Mobile # 01759-882533 E-mail: easyfashionwari@gmail.com
** Uttara Branch: House # 11, Sector # 7, Sonargaon Janapath Road, House Building, Uttara, Dhaka Mobile# 01759-882537 E-mail: easyfashionhousebuilding@gmail.com
** Jamuna Future Park Branch : Unit # C (1st Floor), Shop # 20, Ka-244, Kuril, Progoti Sharani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Mobile# 01759-882536 E-mail: easyfashionjamuna@gmail.com
** Bashundhara City-B Branch : Shop # 54-55, Block # D, Level # 3, Bashundhara City, Panthapath, Dhaka. Mobile# 01863-834665 E-mail: easyfashionbashundharacity@gmail.com
** Bashundhara City-A Branch : Shop # 75/88, Block # D, Level # 3, Bashundhara City, Panthapath, Dhaka. Mobile# 01863-834667 E-mail: easyfashionbashundhara.a@gmail.com
** Shantinagar Branch: 33, New Circular Road (1st Floor), Shantinagar, Dhaka-1217. Mobile # 01759-882521 E-mail: easyfashionshantinagar@gmail.com
** Mohammadpur Branch: 24/1, Block # C, Tazmahal Road (Near Shia Mosjid), Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207. Mobile # 01708-446602 E-mail: easyfashionmohammadpur@gmail.com
** Wari-A Branch: Babuli Classic Garden House No. # 17/C, Ground Floor, Rankin Street, Wari-1203. Mobile # 01708-446605 E-mail: easyfashionwari.a@gmail.com
** House Building-A Branch: House # 11, Ground Floor, Sector # 7, Sonargaon Janapath Road, House Building, Uttara, Dhaka- 1230. Mobile # 01708-446606 E-mail: easyfashionhousebuilding.a@gmail.com
** Mirpur – 1: VTCB Tower Shopping Center, Ground Floor, 3, Main Road, Mirpur-01, Dhaka-1216. Mobile # 01708-446607 E-mail: easyfashionmirpur01@gmail.com
** Jatrabari-A Branch : 39, Shahid Faruk Road, North Jatrabari, Dhaka-1204. Mobile # 01708-446610 E-mail: easyfashionjatrabari.a@gmail.com
** Bashundhara-C Branch: Shop No. 54-55, Block – D, Level-2, Bashundhara City, PanthaPath, Dhaka-1215. Mobile: 01713-429301.
** Bashundhara-D Branch: Level #2, Block # C, Shop # 70-71m Bashudhara City, Panthapath, Dhaka-1215. Mobile: 01713-429302.
** 255, Shah Tower, Judge Court Area, Romena Afaz Road, Bogra-5800. Mobile: 01713-429303.
** A/23, Bazar Road, Opposite Bilash Cinema Hall, Savar, Dhaka-1340. Mobile: 01713-429304.
** Sylhet Kumarpara Branch: 8/A, Kumarpara Main Road, (Be Side Ma-Moni Hospital) Naiorpul Point, Sylhet-3100. Mobile # 01759-882529 E-mail: easyfashionsylhet@gmail.com
** Sylhet Amborkhana Branch : 100/B, Dorga Gate, Amborkhana, Sylhet-3100. Mobile # 01759-882534 E-mail: easyfashionamborkhana@gmail.com
** Chittagong Branch-A: Sanmar Ocean City, Shop # 23/A, (Ground floor), 997, CDA Avenue, East Nasirabad, Chittagong. Mobile# 01759-882532 E-mail: easyfashionchittagong@gmail.com
** Chittagong Branch-B: Afmi Plaza, Shop # 26 (Ground Floor), 1/A, Baizid Bostami Road, Panchlaish, Chittagong Mobile# 01863-834668 E-mail: easyfashionafmiplaza@gmail.com
** Narsingdi Branch: Sabuj Dhora Complex, 253/3, Shahid Sattar Sarak, Station Road, Narsingdi. Sadar (Near Index Plaza) Mob: 01863-834666 E-mail: easyfashionnarsingdi@gmail.com
** Khulna Branch: Khan Tower, Ground Floor, Plot # A-50, K.D.A. Mojid Sarani, C/A, Shib Bari, Khulna Mob: 01759-882522 E-mail: easyfashionkhulna@gmail.com
** Barisal Branch : Bibir Pukur Par, Sadar Road, Barisal Mob: 01759-882538 E-mail: easyfashionbarisal@gmail.com
** Bogra Branch : Plot # 2161, Romena Afaz Road, Kali Mondir, Jolessorytola, Bogra Mob: 01759-882525 E-mail: easyfashionbogra@gmail.com
** Feni Branch: Star Trade Center, S.S.K. Road, Feni Sadar, Feni Mob: 01708-446600 E-mail: easyfashionfeni@gmail.com
** Narayanganj Branch : Holding No.: 227, Jaman Tower, 1st Floor, Bangabandhu Road, Chashara, Narayanganj Sadar, Narayanganj Mob: 01708-446601 E-mail: easyfashionnarayanganj@gmail.com
** Mymensingh Branch: Shop No. : 42, C.K Ghosh Road, Ground Floor & 1st Floor, Opposite side of Alamgir Monsur (Minto) Memorial College, Mymensingh Sadar, Mymensingh-2200 Mobile# 01708-446609 E-mail: easyfashionmymensingh@gmail.com
** Rajshahi Branch: Holding # 61, A.D Complex, Notun New Market Road, Ganakpara, Tulapatti, Rajshahi Mobile# 01708-446611 E-mail: easyfashionrajshahi@gmail.com